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Image by Hans-Peter Gauster


Current Funding

  1. Smart Gym-based Translational Research Center for Active Senior’s Healthcare (Regional Leading Research Center), National Research Foundation of Korea, 2022 ~ 2029 (스마트짐 기반 액티브 시니어 헬스케어 중개연구 센터, 지역혁신선도센터) - PI

  2. 'New-senior' Oriented Smart Health Care Education Center (BK21), National Research Foundation of Korea, 2020 ~ 2027 (뉴시니어 맞춤형 스마트 헬스케어 사업단, BK21) - PI (2020 ~ 2022) & Researcher (2022 ~ Current)

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Previous Funding

  1. Development of defect inspection automation robotics system with high-speed for semiconductor wafers based on AI deep learning, Small and Medium Venture Business Department, 2021 ~ 2022, $470,423 (AI 딥러닝 기반 산업용 로봇 응용 반도체 웨이퍼 고속 결함 검사 자동화 시스템 개발) - Co-PI

  2. Development of Welding Inspection Automation and Monitoring System Based on AI laser vision sensor, Ministry of Science and ICT, 2021 ~ 2022, $515,000 (AI 레이저 비전 센서 기반 용접부 검사 자동화 및 모니터링 시스템 개발) - Co-PI

  3. Development of Ultrasonic Test Automation system based on the collaborative robot for smart factory, Ministry of Science and ICT, 2020 ~ 2021, $572,000 (협동로봇기반 스마트공장형 초음파 검사 자동화 시스템 개발) - Co-PI

  4. Research & Development for Commercial Marine-Integrated Bionics Materials and Technology, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, 2015 ~ 2019, $31 million (해양융복합 바이오닉스 소재 상용화 기술 개발) - PI

  5. Marine-Integrated Biomedical Technology Program (BK21), National Research Foundation of Korea, 2017 ~ 2018, $197,800 (해양과학 MIBT 융복합 인력양성사업단, BK21) - Researcher

  6. Laparoscopic lesion localizing marker development for mininally invasive surgery, National Research Foundation of Korea, 2016 ~ 2017, $73,000 (최소침습수술을 위한 복강경 수술용 병변 확인 마커 개발) - Researcher

  7. Study on hyperthermic treatment with magnetic nanoparticle, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, 2012 ~ 2015, $197,420 (자기나노입자를 이용한 유방암 온열치료 시스템 연구) - PI

  8. Development of an optical/ultrasonic multimode endoscope system for early cancer diagnosis, Small and Medium Business Administration, 2012 ~ 2014, $426,120 (암 조기진단을 위한 광.초음파 다중모드 내시경 시스템 개발) - PI

  9. Development of Optical Coherence Tomography for Cardiovasculer Disease, National Research Foundation of Korea, 2009 ~ 2012, $163,780 (심장병 진단을 위한 생체 광 단층 이미지 시스템 개발) - PI

  10. Development of Nano Ultrasound System for Early Cancer Detection, Korea Health Industry Development Institute, 2009 ~ 2012, $144,000 (초기암 진단을 위한 나노융합 초음파 시스템의 개발) - PI

  11. Project Team of Smart Mechanical Engineering for Fusion Technology (BK21), National Research Foundation of Korea, 2011 ~ 2012, $175,500 (융합기술기반 스마트기계기술 핵심인력양성사업팀, BK21) - Researcher

Room 1201, Building A12, 45, Yongso-ro, Nam-gu,

Pukyong National University, Busan, 48513, South Korea

+82 51-629-5771

© 2008 by NBMLAB

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